Hello World!
Hi, and welcome to my blog. My name is Reidar Djupvik, and I’m a Norwegian web developer and translator currently living in the Faroe Islands. Here I’ll write articles with useful tips for people doing programming for the web.

A bit about my background in programming
My interest in programming started in school around the millennium. I used Microsoft Office for school work, and in Office you could create macros. I learned writing macros and programming in Visual Basic. Office had help files explaining the various commands in Visual Basic, and by using them and a lot of trial and error I learned programming.
Quite fast my attention shifted to the web as a platform. I started learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. At the time, programmatically manipulating the contents of a web site by using JavaScript was an entirely new thing. The API wasn’t standardized at the time; Internet Explorer had one solution, Netscape Navigator another. Some time later the W3C standardizing organization published a standard, but some time went by before this standard was supported in all web browsers. The web browser that supported the standards best, was the one made by the Mozilla Project; consequently I switched from using Internet Explorer to their web browser. I’ve followed Firefox right from the start, and today Firefox is still my preferred web browser.
I learned web development by myself with the help of various websites and blogs, and I’ve kept up with the various trends in web development ever since. I’ve been through various languages, like XML, XSLT, PHP, Python, Ruby, CoffeeScript and TypeScript, used various databases, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and CouchDB, and I’ve seen JavaScript grow into a language increasingly used both on the server and the client, where NodeJS, React and TypeScript have been important factors in this development.
What’s behind the scenes
This blog is made using TypeScript, Next.js, React and mdx-bundler. It’s published on AWS using SST. More information about specifics of the tech stack will be provided in later articles.
What you get by following my blog
Since I’ve learned so much reading various blogs, I feel like I can give back by sharing what I know. I hope other people will get as much from reading my blog, as I’ve had reading the blogs of others. Also it’s a good way of raising my own profile on the web.
I’m planning to write about web development, with a focus on frontend, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and TypeScript, as well as using modern JavaScript libraries like React.
I’m open to feedback, so if you have an opinion on what I should write about, or feedback about what I write, you can get in touch via the contact form.
This blog will be bilingual, and all articles will be both in English and Norwegian. You can switch language with the language picker in the top right.
Thank you for reading this far. Hope you will join me going forward.